Dear Fellow Connecticut Resident,
It has been a privilege to represent the citizens of Connecticut in the state legislature over the last thirteen years. I have done my best to serve with principle and integrity.
You can count on me to fight every day to preserve our freedom and our precious American system of representative government and constitutional protections for citizens.
To restore and grow our economy, we need to make Connecticut more attractive to everyone – families, businesses, new graduates, and retirees.
I have never voted to increase spending or raise your taxes and I never will.
I love my country and the principles it was founded upon – keeping government small and preserving the civil rights of every person to live their lives as they see fit.
I believe in law and order and have earned a reputation for not backing down when it comes to standing up for freedom, for taxpayers, and for law-abiding gun-owners.
I respect and honor our military veterans and seniors who have given us our chance for a brighter future.
As the leading conservative in the legislature, I have helped thwart proposals that would further damage our fragile economy and make it even harder to remain in Connecticut as a citizen, taxpayer, or businessperson.
Connecticut’s state government may well be the most poorly run in our entire country. We have had enough of the out-of-control spending, destructive taxes, and the negative direction of the state.
I am determined to reduce the size of government, to lift the burden of taxation, and to restore the free enterprise system which encourages hard work and ingenuity. There is no other path to prosperity.
My most sincere desire is to protect and maintain the American dream and to see that it survives for future generations. Together, we can reverse the current course and get our priorities back in order, our economy back on track and make Connecticut great again.
I hope you will support my campaign and vote for me this November.