
Recently my opponent made yet another false and misleading claim about me as a person – suggesting that I have no idea what it takes to create jobs. In ten years, I have never lowered myself to false or misleading attacks as part of a political campaign.

I simply won’t do it.

I believe it is our responsibility as candidates to showcase our records, our ideas, our principles, and what we would actually do if elected. I have always done that and will continue to do so.

However, I will also defend myself when necessary.

My bio including my work experience is here on my website www.sampsonforct.com. For the record, I have managed several different insurance agencies over the years and have hired and trained dozens of employees -insurance agents and customer service reps. I also work as a recruiter in real estate, training and mentoring new and experienced agents alike. I have created many jobs through my investments in real estate and my appreciation for a free market economy.

More importantly, in my role as a State Senator, I recognize that my job is not to create jobs, but rather to create an environment so others can do so. This is why I have worked hard to support policies beneficial to that goal and oppose others that prevent it. I have a 100% voting record from both the CBIA and NFIB, the two leading pro-business groups in our state.

It is interesting that my opponent has previously attacked me for my efforts to prevent a premature and drastic increase in the minimum wage to $15.00 and the improperly funded, new payroll tax required under the new paid FMLA law.

I urge anyone who is in favor of increasing the minimum wage to watch my remarks from the Senate debate in their entirety. This is an issue that sounds simple but has far-reaching impact.

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Those two bills themselves are job killers. I wonder. How does one position themselves to be both pro-business and job creation while supporting more regulatory burdens and accepting the endorsement of the pro-socialism and anti business Working Families party?

If you are curious about what the Working Families Party stands for, I urge you to visit this link and read about them and how out of touch they are with our community. I would not accept their endorsement under any circumstances.



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