I keep seeing #fakenews! Here is the truth about the Special Education Funding Votes that occurred at the State Capitol over the past two weeks.
For Immediate Release March 6, 2025 Sen. Rob Sampson and Sen. Stephen Harding today issued the following statement regarding Bridgeport Democrats’ statements regarding widespread voter
5 charged in Bridgeport absentee ballot fraud arraigned
Five suspects charged in Bridgeport’s 2023 absentee ballot fraud investigation were arraigned Thursday.
For Immediate Release March 5, 2025 CT Democrats Vote Against $92.2 Million in Special Education Funding Republicans want more money for special education and won’t
For Immediate Release March 3, 2025 Sen. Stephen Harding and Sen. Rob Sampson issued the following statement regarding the governor’s press conference today. “Gov. Lamont
Lamont responds to revelations about CT lawmaker eyeing PURA seat
Gov. Ned Lamont called revelations about a state senator the governor previously agreed to nominate as one of Connecticut’s five energy regulators "a problem."